We were approched about chanigng our electric from National Grid to an alternative gas provider. Nice young man came to the door. We were promised to save money and since our whole home is electric we signed up. Big misteak!
When we figured this our 6 months later, I wrote to them and told them that my rate was over double. and wished to cancel, and that we were going to turned them into the Attorney General’s office and we refuseed to pay the fee for early termination. Then I got a bill still asking for the fee and then a phone call telling me to pay or be turned in to collection. We have good credit so we paid under protest.
I would never pay them a cent. You could complain about their agents misleading and deceptive sale practices. Then file your complaint to your Attorney Gen. to have them investigate.
After Just Energy was charged by the NY Att. Gen., the cancellation fee in New York is $50 per year left on your contract.