Islam extremist = death, murder, rape, torture, lying, no freedom of speech, no women right

Islam a religion of peace?

I’m not a big fan of religions. I don’t bother with it and now it is starting to bother me, particularly Islam and the violence teaching of the Quran. As I hear more about this religion I’m starting to get fed up with it.

Take a good look at what Muslims are doing around the world under the name of their god Allah and under Islam as their religion. Then decide for yourself if Islam is a real religion of peace or something Muslims do to hind behind.

Read below, these are just some of the articles I found (only 10 min. of searching this religion online) about Muslims and Islam:

9/11 attack

On September 11 2001, four commercial airplanes hijack by Muslims, two fly into two buildings in New York City. Killing almost 3000 people. Muslims all over the world condemn the attack but No outrage or protests by Muslims

On February 2007, Muslim husband killed his wife and children because of their Western ways. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

On June 18, 2010, Muslims in Pakistan Kidnap, Rape Christian 14 y/o Girl. Read this article here

No outrage or protests by Muslims

Victim of Muslim gang rape in Sweden
Victim of Muslim
gang rape in Sweden

We know that rape is very common in the Islamic world, because the only people who suffer are the rape victims themselves being sentence often to death, for being rape.

The Muslims have brought their rapist ways to the west, where their God says that all women are fair game for raping except for married covered Muslims. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

On September 3, 2004, after three days of being terrorized by these Jihadists, 186 of these children were killed, some killed by Jihadist bomb explosions, some shot in the back by Jihadists. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

Norway: Muslim girls beaten for not wearing the hijab. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

Honor killings is a common practice, Muslims killing their own family members (mostly female), wives and daughters. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

On March, 2002, Saudi Religious-Police locked 15 girls inside a burning school to burn to death because the girls not wearing their hijab to cover their faces. While 50 others were injured. One witness said he saw three police officers “beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya”. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

On June, 2010, a Muslim man cut girlfriend’s throat gets life, threatened jihad on jurors. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

Teenage girl stoned to death
Teenage girl honor kill
Stoned by family members

On May 2007, a 17-year-old girl has been stoned to death in Iraq because she loved a teenage boy of the wrong religion. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

Aqsa Parvez, 16, murdered by her father over an ISLAMIC headscarf. Read this article here
No outrage or protests by Muslims

List of Muslim terror attacks in Egypt compiled from Reuters from 1992 – 2005. Read this article here
And Still No outrage or protests by Muslims

Here are some of the cartoons displaying in the Islam world. Making fun of Jews and America. Obviously no Muslim protests here or outrage.

On and on…. So many innocent people murder for the name of the Islam God, Allah. Theses killing been going on for centuries and it is still here with us today. It doesn’t seem anything would outrage or anger the Muslim world enough for them go out on the streets to protest.

Draw Muhammed
This Danish cartoon of
prophet Muhammad
outrage & protested
by Muslims

A Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published cartoon of the prophet Mohammad on 30 September 2005 and ALL OF SUDDEN Muslims are outrage! WTF!?!

On January 1, 2010, 27-year-old Muslim man try to murder the Danish cartoonist who drew the prophet Mohammad, police shot the Muslim man (he survived) before he could kill the cartoonist.

Muslims are outrage that the Muslim man was shoot by police but no Muslim outrage when he was trying to murder the cartoonist.

Boycott of Danish goods was encouraged across the Muslim world and violent anti-Danish demonstrations were held, particularly in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Muslims Protisting In Paris for the drawing of Prophet Muhammad

Thousand Muslims protested in Paris for the drawing of Prophet Muhammad

On February 11, 2006 several thousand Muslims protested in Paris, France, as well as the eastern city of Strasbourg, against the publication of caricatures of the prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper and the re-publication of some of these caricatures in French newspapers. Read this article here
Muslims are outrage and protesting over the drawing the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims protesting because of the drawing of Muhammad

Muslims protesting – “Behead those who insult Islam” “Massacre thos who insult Islam” “As Muslims we unite and ..prepare to fight!!”

On February 2006, in Islamabad, Pakistan. Tens of thousands of protestors chanting slogans against Denmark, Israel and the United States, rally in Istanbul, Turkey. Sixteen people are killed in attacks against Christian targets in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri and more. Read it all here, all over the drawings of Muhammad. Read this article here
Muslims are outrage and protesting over the drawing the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims in Malaysia outraged and protesting over latest Swedish cartoons

Muslims in Malaysia outraged and protesting over latest Swedish cartoons of Prophet Muhammad.

Some 300 protestors from Muslim NGOs and political parties staged an hour long protest outside the Swedish embassy in Kuala Lumpur after Friday prayers. Read this article here

My Conclusion

The problems are not the drawing of Mohammad, or the newspaper publishers in Danish newspaper. The problems are Muslims who don’t get outrage for all the terrible things other Muslims are doing all over the world.


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22 thoughts on “Islam extremist = death, murder, rape, torture, lying, no freedom of speech, no women right

  1. Are you stupid or retarded? Pick one. Cause it sure looks like you're both. Stupid AND retarded. LOL you're a sad sad sad person who believes in ALL of what you see and I bet all of what you hear.

    "As I read more about this religion online I’m starting to get fed up with it. Take a good look at what Muslims are doing around the world under the name of their god Allah and under Islam as their religion."

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ARE YOU SERIOUS? You read about Islam ONLINE? Wow. Your sources are quite reliable 😉

    No body posts articles about the terrorist groups in the US or Europe. Cause for some reason, people in the US are civilized. Where as Muslims are supposedly terrorists and rapists.

    Do your homework, kid. Then talk about religions like a pro 😉

    Ignorant idiot LOOOL sad sad ignorant idiot

    1. I'm none of that but i think you are. Go write about it, since you're so not ignorant. I see enough. I guess 9/11 was ok with you?

      1. 9/11 was sad,BUT GET THE FUCK OVER IT! how many buildings have'nt the us destroid? and how many lives havent you wasted just for some kinde of revenge?

  2. Yeah sure you're none of that. I like your copy and pasting of pictures of Google, very original. And your title too! That equal sign is something now isn't it? 😉

    I can write twice a better article than your kindergarten crap. It's okay 😉 there's always room for improvement, even with biased, hard headed chauvinist like you.

    And where did I say that 9/11 was okay with me? Assuming stuff will always make you look ridiculous so, if I said that 9/11 is okay with me, THEN you can go ahead and say that.

    You're generalizing, saying that all muslims are pro terrorism and that Islam advocates it. Islam has NOTHING to do with violence or mass killing. If there are some extremists who have decided to do such acts, then they should be regarded as criminals NOT muslims.

    Plus, you should be smart enough to know that religious leaders could manipulate people who follow the same religion they do.

    1. My stuff is crap, I KNOW, thats why your bitching lol. And yes its garbage, so GO write your stuff, no one is stopping you.

    2. Just came across this (years after) and gotta say, you are sheep Sara, who needs to wake up. I will never understand people, like you, who say terrorism has nothing to do with the Muslim religion…research Muslim countries with Sharia Law, then research Muslims world-wide that want Sharia Law, then read the Quran. When a man/woman swears allegiance to Ala, Mohamed and a terrorist group (choose one) then runs into a random setting, is screaming Ala Ackbar while slaughtering innocent women and children, I tend to take that at face value.

      You tell me you are an environmentalist and want to stop me from traveling on a national preserve, so you slit my tires, I will take that at face value also. Not dismiss it as a “criminal” and nothing more. No, you are an treehuger nutbag, who owes me a new pair of tires.

  3. Hell yeah no one's stopping me 😉

    It's good that you know that!

    Anyway, good luck in your attempt to write more crap pseudo articles (Y)(Y)

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this!

    1. You're welcome, I am writing one right now. Come back again and I'll even draw Mohammad boy just to show you my crappy drawing skill.

  4. I'll make sure your skills look twice as crappy as your drawing LOOOOOOOOOL poor you, trying to provoke me funny funny person

  5. I love how u are trying to portray Islam based on the bad incidents muslims did.

    Blogging such an article online should come from more accurate sources.You should learn more about this religion before coming and talking about it from only one aspect.Trying to bring out the bad side of anything is what haters do;)

    Why dont you call what America did to Iraq as terrorism,they invaded their country,killed innocent people including children.Why is media quiet silent about it?Why dont we all go bazaric about it and claim that ALL westerns are bad and violent?

    If you are living in this world,you should know already that in every country,every town,even between friends and family members,there are the good and the bad.

    You cant just say 'the violence teaching of the Quran',because if u read about quraan and the sayings in it,you would know that it is a peaceful religion,and every person is responsible for his/her own acts,andIslam shouldnt take the blame.Our prophet taught us how to be kind to everyone,and guess what people with the best attitude are going to be rewarded the most.

    Does Christianity tell you to get high on crack and get addicted to heroine,coz guess what I just googled and found that 'Over 20,000 children are hooked on heroin' in UK!Its soo bad!These things are prohibited in our religion..Thank GOD my religion takes care of its followers,and prevent them from harmful acts!Enjoy reading this article!

    1. If you believe in God and paradise after death. You will believe in ANYTHING.

      Where do you get your news?

      Out the top of my head when I think about Muslim run countries are Saudi Arabia and Iran.

      Now according to your link, it says Saudi Arabia: had 59 rape reported and Iran had ZERO.

      Saudi Arabia has a population of 27 million and Iran 70 million people.

      Almost 100 million people there are 59 rapes report?

      That says a lot about the culture of western society vs a Muslim countries (if the data was any where close to accurate).

      In a muslim country, women has no rights. If a woman get accuse of adultery they can be jailed, stoned and hang.

      So, ask yourself if you're a woman in Iran or Saudi Arabia where you have no rights and treated like garbage. Would you report to the police if you're raped and have a chance of getting murder?

      That's why there are only 59 rapes reported in a 100 million population.

      Thanks for the link.

      1. The reason there are no reports of rape there is because women who have been raped are also charged and imprisoned. Sometimes they have shamed their families so much that they are killed. Rapes are not reported because it will get worse for the victem if they do. Women have no rights in the eyes of a muslim. That is a fact that none can deny.

  6. islam is retarded and so are the people there….who the fuck kills over religion….bunch of dumbshits…..

  7. This is HORRIBLE AND MEAN AND MIGHT I ADD UNFAIR , you have no right to insult people like that, you keep talking about Saudi arabia or Iran okay they aren't faire to there women and yes they may rape women there or in other countries; but there are 48 muslim majority countries in the world and so much more all over the world. And all those people aren't terrorists or rapists,

    YOUR TITLE – Islam = Death, Murder, Rape, Torture, Lying, No Freedom Of Speech, No Women Right

    So your saying islam caused all those to happen and islam only .. Well no .. and actually all the 'muslim terrorists' aren't even muslim they are people that want to change islam around there own way it says in the Quran it 'is strictly forbidden to kill or even hurt someone' So its like if i would base all christians killers and terrorists just because of one war or because of terrorists attempts that worked or didn't work, thats just wrong and if you were a person with an open mind you would understand .. and about the rape victim in sweden you said 'where their God says that all women are fair game for raping except for married covered Muslims' so UNTRUE UNTRUE UNTRUE actually i could find so much more RACIST and UNTRUE stories in this article but i just don't mind reading it all because its just NOT WORTH it.. wow the 'violence teaching of the Quran' i don't know how in the world the Quran teaches violence because, if you actually read it or just some part of it translated in english you would see how it asks you to respect your parents and people around not to hurt anyone or yourself, how to treat your wife and children, how to pray, how to be peaceful, what do to in doubt (BTW if Saudi arabia are so mean to there women it has NOTHING to do with the Quran, the Quran NEVER would say anything like that its just them that interpret other things form what it actually says) islam also asked if women could cover there selves and to stay a virgin till marriage, anyways thats a persons option, and its nice because children and teenagers are more likely to know good from bad anyways im not gonna waste anymore time in this .. This was just a bad idea and a RASICT article about critisizing Islam because of some people or polulation .. all those comments and u still think ur right .. wow.

    1. You're right. I didn't mean to say that. Not all are like that. Maybe the title should read "Islamic extremism = death, murder, rape, torture, lying, no freedom of speech, no women right" ?

  8. I am a Muslim woman and I live in Egypt. first generalization is always wrong, if we took the percentage of terrorists and the number of Muslims in the world, you will find that it does not exceed 10%. secondly the only reason that women are not given their full rights in Muslim countries not because of Islam but because people got so far away from true message of Islam and began to interpret things as they want. actually Islam freed women, as the time Allah send his messenger our prophet mohamed pbuh, a person could marry like 20 women and give birth to many babies, then just leave them as simple as that. please read history and know every side of the story before convincing people with wrong stuff or even incorrect, and always remind yourself of the purpose of what you do? is it because you want to guide people to truth, or you want to be guided to the truth, that is the only thing by which we will meet Allah and may find an excuse for our sins

    1. 1. According to Wikipedia there are currently about 1.6 billion Muslim followers around the world.

      Now you said Muslim terrorists doesn’t exceed 10%. So 10% of 1.6 billion is 160 million people. That’s half the population of USA!

      2. If you believe in Allah, God, paradise after death or 81 virgins. Then you will believe in anything. I seen enough of islam and it sicken me.

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