Was looking over my hydro bill and the name of the supplier is just energy. Not bad enough that I got sucked into a contract with Direct Energy but now I have a supplier I have never even heard of PLEASE HELP ME.
Just energy – did not give permission to see my energy
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You may open a complaint at the Ontario Energy Board http://www.oeb.gov.on.ca/OEB/Consumers/Contact+Co…
or call the Ontario Energy Board's Customer Service Centre at 416-314-2455 in the Toronto area or toll-free 1-877-632-2727
or you may file a complaint at The Ministry of Consumer http://www.mgs.gov.on.ca/en/Contact/index.htm
I got a rental water heater installed and the contract was not explained to me at all. Now I realize the details are in the VERY fine print especially about a contract for 5 years.
I am 80 years old.
The company is National Home Services.